Why the Latest PS4 RCE Exploit Won't Easily Transfer to the PS5

Why the Latest PS4 RCE Exploit Won't Easily Transfer to the PS5


SpecterDev points out that while theflow's latest RCE exploit was effective on the PS4, the same cannot be said for its applicability to the PS5 due to significant advancements in security measures. According to SpecterDev, the PS4's security architecture lacks certain mitigations that are present in the PS5, making the older console more susceptible to remote exploits without requiring userland code execution.

The PS5 introduces robust security features like Supervisor Mode Access Prevention (SMAP) and Control Flow Integrity (CFI). SMAP is designed to prevent the kernel from accessing user space memory, thwarting a common angle of attack found in many exploits. CFI, on the other hand, protects against unauthorized changes to the control flow of an application, making it harder for malicious payloads to execute.

Moreover, the PS5 employs Execute Only Memory (XOM), which restricts memory that can be executed but not read or written, further complicating the execution of exploits. This means that even if CFI was not a barrier, the exploit techniques such as Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) that rely on reading executable memory to form a chain of gadget instructions would be unfeasible.

SpecterDev concludes that adapting the exploit to the PS5 would not only be challenging but would also require a fundamentally different strategy. It would likely necessitate both read and write access and userland code execution. Given these hurdles, SpecterDev advises the community not to expect a PS5 adaptation of theflow's RCE exploit anytime soon.

This analysis serves as a reminder of the ever-evolving nature of console security and the increasing challenges that face those attempting to breach these sophisticated systems. As technology progresses, so too does the complexity of maintaining and breaching the fortifications that keep our digital entertainment environments secure.

2024-05-01 00:00:00

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